What does CBD stand for?
CBD is short for cannabidiol, but we think you’ll agree it’s quicker and easier to just say CBD!
What is CBD (cannabidiol)?
CBD is the non-intoxicating component of the hemp plant. It is a naturally occurring compound, one of many other closely related compounds within the plant which, together are referred to as cannabinoids.
Where does CBD (cannabidiol) come from?
CBD is found in some amounts in all cannabis plants, which means it can be derived from both hemp and higher THC strains. However, CBD products are only legal to use if they are derived from the hemp plant as this plant contains minimal to undetectable levels of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol).
What is THC?
THC (also known as tetrahydrocannabinol) is one of 160+ other cannabinoids or chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. This is the one that’s primarily responsible for the ‘high’ associated with cannabis.
Can I get 'high' using CBD products?
No, CBD won’t get you high because it doesn’t have the psychoactive properties of cannabis’ tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content. CBD is extracted from the flowers and leaves of the hemp plant, which has an exceptionally low level of the THC content (often so low it cannot be detected by testing equipment).
What's the difference between hemp and cannabis plants?
It’s a common misconception that hemp (Cannabis sativa L) and cannabis plants are two different species of plant. In fact, they aren’t, they are just two different names for cannabis sativa, a type of flowering plant within the Cannabaceae family.
While science doesn’t differentiate between the plants, the law does. Legally the difference between the two is the THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content. The term ‘hemp’ is used to mean cannabis, which while it is growing contains 0.2 percent or less THC content by dry weight.
Is your CBD THC free?
Yes, our CBD has zero THC, and grown and extracted by us, for us, to our exacting standards and the UK’s regulatory requirements.
How is it used?
CBD (also known as cannabidiol) is the non-intoxicating component of hemp plants. CBD is extracted as a powder in isolate form, or as a golden-brown liquid in distillate form.
We use CBD isolate in our products, which means that it can be mixed straight into the formulation during production. For a full list of ingredients please take a look at our product pages.
How long has CBD been used?
While it feels like CBD is a relatively recent discovery, it has been around for a lot longer. Hemp was in fact one of the earliest plants cultivated by humans, its properties have been used for over 3,000 years, particularly in Asia within Chinese herbal pharmacopeia. Its only in the last 100 years that its beneficial properties are starting to be identified and fully understood.
Why add CBD to skincare products?
Using CBD in skincare is a natural way to help soothe, comfort, and rebalance the skin, providing a gentle but effective solution to many skin conditions. And, by combining with other essential skincare ingredients, such as natural plant extracts, essential oils, plant oils and vitamins, we’ve created a range of hardworking effective products that really do make a genuine difference to the health and appearance of your skin.
CBD and the results that it delivers are still being discovered, with experts continuing to test and learn more about what this amazing compound is truly capable of.
Why is it good for the skin?
CBD has been found to be beneficial in helping to reduce the symptoms associated with inflammatory skin conditions.
While our products are not intended as a medical solution, nor are we medically trained there is significant evidence-based research around the benefits of using topical or transdermal CBD based products.
By combining our CBD with other skin friendly natural ingredients, extracts, essential oils, plant oils and vitamins, your skin receives a supercharged boost which delivers reliable results.
Is CBD natural?
Yes, although there are some products in the market which contain synthetic lab made CBD. We believe in the power of nature and are proud to grow our own. To find out more see Our Ingredients
Is it legal to use it in the UK?
Yes, it’s completely legal to use products which contain CBD in the UK.
CBD, if properly processed (i.e., without THC) is not classified as a drug, but rather a natural wellness product. You’ll find it in various products from supplements to skincare. Only products containing THC or CBN (cannabinol) are not permitted.