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The Journal

Simple steps to help you switch off for a better night’s sleep

Sleep is something that we all need and yet none of us seem to get quite enough. Whether you’ve got little ones waking you up too early, a stressful job keeping you up at night, or you just struggle to switch off after a busy day – there are so many reasons you might not be getting enough sleep.

By Sarah Russell

5 min read

Simple steps to help you switch off for a better night’s sleep

Sleep is something that we all need and yet none of us seem to get quite enough. Whether you’ve got little ones waking you up too early, a stressful job keeping you up at night, or you just struggle to switch off after a busy day – there are so many reasons you might not be getting enough sleep.

Sleep is so important for both our mental and physical health, so if you’re suffering from insomnia or other serious sleep issues, then it’s important to seek medical help to make sure you’re covering all the basis and getting the right support. 

For those of you, like me, who don’t sleep too badly but are looking for a few ways to wind down in the evenings, so you can drift off a little easier and enjoy your sleep more, we’ve put together a few tips that might help.

Go to bed earlier (ideally at the same time every day)

In my student days, I’d frequently head to bed at 2am and wouldn’t emerge until almost lunchtime the next day. I assumed this was fine because I was still getting my eight hours, but I couldn’t work out why I was still tired all the time. 

My mum used to say that an hour before midnight is worth two after. So in her theory, because I wasn’t going to bed before midnight, I wasn’t getting a proper night’s sleep, even if I was lying in all morning. I scoffed at the time, but now I’m a grown up myself (or so I like to believe), I think there might actually be something in it.

It may be easier said than done, but getting into a good sleep routine can be a good way to train your body into falling asleep quicker. This means going to bed earlier (yes, before midnight), and preferably at the same time every day.

Set a “bedtime” on your phone

If you’re the sort of person who gets easily distracted and loses track of time, only realising at 3am that you should have gone to bed hours ago – it might be a good idea to set up a “bedtime” on your phone. It’s normally just a simple reminder that helps to get you into a better routine, by letting you know it’s nearly bedtime and you should start getting ready for sleep. 

Depending on your settings, your phone may also turn itself onto “do not disturb” mode after bedtime, making sure your sleep isn’t interrupted by endless social media notifications or late-night group chat conversations. 

Which leads us on to our next point...

Switch off your technology 

We all do it. We climb into bed at a reasonable hour with very honourable intentions of reading a chapter or two of our book before hitting the hay, but then we pick up our phones and spend two hours scrolling through TikTok videos instead.

Or, maybe you have a TV in your bedroom, which makes it even more tempting to press play on the next episode, and the next one, instead of going to sleep.

Switching off your technology and putting your phone away before you get into bed is a good habit to get into. It helps our minds to relax and lets us focus on slowing down for the night.

Take time to wind-down 

Whether you take a long, hot shower, or a soothing bubble bath, you light a candle, drink a cup of chamomile tea, or read a magazine – taking time to unwind properly before getting into bed is another good habit to encourage sleep. 

By incorporating one or two of these steps into your bedtime routine, you’ll help your body and mind to understand the difference between being awake and alert, and being relaxed and ready to sleep.

Of course, time is a luxury that many of us can’t afford. You might not be able to have a long bath every night before bed, but even sparing 10 minutes to indulge in a proper evening skincare routine could help you switch off a little easier. Or, you could try a few minutes of meditation...

Try meditation 

If you haven’t got time to run a bath or read a book, a five-minute guided meditation session might be the perfect alternative. Mindful meditation is a relaxation technique, helping to quiet the mind and body while enhancing your inner peace. This makes it a great way to gently wind down before bed by promoting your overall calmness. 

You just need to sit or lie down for a few minutes, close your eyes and breathe slowly. You can use guided meditation apps or videos on YouTube, or just sit quietly and relax your focus for a while. As little as 3-5 minutes of meditation before bed each night could help you relieve your mind of your daily stresses and unwind for a good night’s sleep.  

Invest in sleep-promoting products

There are lots of natural products out there that claim to help you sleep. Whether you use our Relax Aromatherapy blend in your diffuser, spritz your bedroom with Sleep Easy Pillow Mist, or use a specifically designed bath or shower gel to help you unwind and switch off.

Noise and light disturbances can play havoc with our sleep, so you might want to try a sleep mask or even ear plugs. If your back or neck always aches in the mornings, perhaps your mattress needs an upgrade, or even just your pillow?

We spend about a third of our life sleeping (or trying to get to sleep!) and we can’t function without it, so an investment in your sleep will always be money well spent. You just need to find what works for you, and then reap the benefits. 

With so much to think about during the day, we really don’t need to be worrying about getting to sleep at night, too. If that sounds like you, I really hope you found this helpful and that you’ll give some of these simple steps for a better night’s sleep a try.

Sarah Russell

Sarah is a freelance writer and editor from the New Forest. She loves being outside with nature and has a big passion for all things food – so if she’s not out walking the dog and exploring new places, you’ll probably find her cooking up a storm for her friends and family.

Content published by Nature’s Journey CBD Wellness is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your GP or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise, or other health-related programme


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